3. If a student, who is a participant in the Voluntary Drug Testing Program, wishes to withdraw from the Voluntary Drug Testing Program both the student and the students parent or custodial guardian must read, sign and date the Student Drug Testing Programs Withdrawal Form and submit such form to the principal at his/her school, the date the Withdrawal Form is signed by the principal will be the date of withdrawal. The matter shall be set for a date certain before the board for a final vote and decision by the board as to the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken. School-sponsored clubs: No student may attend or become a member of a school-sponsored club without signed written parental permission forms for each student participant. "Self-administration of prescription asthma and/or anaphylaxis medication" means a student's discretionary use of prescription asthma and/or anaphylaxis medication. ; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; Age Discrimination Act of 1975. Only those students who have completed all graduation requirements as specified by the Board of Education and MS Board of Education may participate in graduation exercises. Dress Code NWLSD Dress Code The following dress code is board approved for all students. The parents or eligible student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised under the challenge; 4. Your Connect Ed Full Text Messages are located here! Twenty-four hour notice will be given so that transportation arrangements can be made by the parent. Si los estudiantes estn por sus armarios durante el da escolar, la siguiente lista de consecuencias pueden suceder: Nivel 1: El estudiante recibir un aviso verbal. Requires boys and girls to be separated into different classes when sex-related education is discussedor taught, 3. Be sure to utilize the GCS Here Comes the Bus App! 171 Oakdale Road Be . Any cost of installation is the responsibility of the donor unless otherwise agreed to by the school district. If a student has successfully completed a course but failed the corresponding end-of-course assessment, the student may enroll in credit recovery for remediation only. Todos los estudiantes podrn usar aretes/pantallas razonables fuera del gimnasio. Transfer students will be permanently enrolled and placed in a grade or class on the basis of an official transcript from the last school attended. In the event a student desires to waive the opportunity of a hearing or appeal when charged with an offense or rule violation, he/she or his/her parent or representative may do so. Phone:601.992.6277 The laboratory will inform the principal of the school and the Superintendent or his designee of positive test results. Accessing, downloading, storing, or printing files or messages that are sexually explicit, obscene, or that offend or tend to degrade others. If a student fails the screener twice, the school district will conduct a Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) meeting to determine if a comprehensive assessment is warranted. 1. After a report of positive test result is made to the District, the principal will schedule a conference with the student and parents or guardians about the positive drug test result. After the test is concluded, the student may not return to school on the day of the drug/alcohol test. Any failure to comply may result in termination of user rights of possession effective immediately and the District may repossess the device. 6. Prior to any formal hearing, a case will be heard by the Disciplinary Determination Committee (DDC), as outlined in Section V. Appeals. If at the end of the 28-calendar-day removal period the testing laboratory determines that the student does not test positive for drugs, the student shall be reinstated in the extra-curricular activities. If a compulsory-school-age child has not been enrolled in school within fifteen (15) calendar days after the first day of the school year or if a student has accumulated five (5) unexcused absences during the school year, the principal shall report such absences to the school attendance officer within two school days or within five calendar days, whichever is less, according to the method prescribed by the State Department of Education and on the form designated for that purpose by the district. The above conduct constitutes bullying if that conduct interferes with a student's education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school. Suspension is the denial of the privilege of attending school in the regular pattern and is imposed after due process by the principal or his designee and will be counted as an unexcused absence. Students have received a Utah Transit Authority bus and TRAX pass. Pre-Kindergarten6th Inappropriate sites are added to the Internet daily. I encourage you to get involved with your childs school activities this year. An unlawful or unexcused absence is an absence during a school day that is not due to a valid excuse. Dress policies exist for a reason: to make education a priority for all students. District may disable the device remotely to protect the device and/or data on the device. Others may be notified of the identity of the infected person if the decision makers feel it is essential to protect the health of the infected student, upon obtaining written, specific consent for notifying these additional persons from the infected students parent/guardian. Students who have met the eligibility requirements as outlined in the Procedures Manual for the State of Mississippi Dual Enrollment & Accelerated Programs. 2. Anyone convicted under this act will be recorded as violating a criminal statute. All data transferred and/or transmitted over the RCSD network and/or on RCSD issued devices can be monitored and recorded at any time. 7. Each Voluntary Student shall be made aware of this policy, the Student Drug Testing Consent Form, and the Voluntary Random Drug Testing Withdrawal Form. 1. The high school transcript grade will be calculated according to RCSD policy. The following procedures provide notice and opportunity to be heard in such matters. Cyber bullying including, but not limited to, harassing, flaming, denigrating, impersonating, outing, tricking, excluding, and cyber stalking will not be tolerated. 3. The Hazelwood School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Los estudiantes no pueden usar gorras dentro del edificio. School guidance counselors shall abide by the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics. Public Conduct Policy (EBA) Consequences for possession of a cell phone and/or other prohibited electronic equipment: 1st offense $15.00 fine or phone held 5 school days in the office, 2nd offense $25.00 fine or phone held 10 school days in the office, 3rd offense $35.00 fine or phone held 20 school days in the office. The assistant superintendent of education in charge of expulsion hearings (or his/her designee) shall preside over all DDC meetings. 3. The contract will include a plan for modification of behaviors for which the student was sent to the Alternative School, academic goals, and other goals as determined appropriate at this conference. With our 234 square miles, Northwest ISD serves more than 29,000 students in 14 cities, towns and communities across three counties. 1. The principal shall be responsible for establishing a schedule for the administering of tests within that school. : MS CODE as cited; Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, CROSS REF. 2nd3rd Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new window/tab) YouTube (opens in new window/tab) Directions (opens in new window/tab) Employment Opportunities (opens in new window/tab) Credit Recovery Program (IDCAB) The principal or designee shall make a prompt due process investigation of the misconduct reportedby the bus driver and, based upon the information developed through this investigation, administersuch disciplinary action as deemed appropriate. It is the students responsibility to provide documentation of any school-related absence. Rankin County School District has established the following guidelines for credit recovery: 1. All teachers, employees, volunteers or students shall be required to fully cooperate with all school officials investigating the complaint and answer truthfully all inquiries relative thereto. Such data includes, but is not limited to E-mail, text documents, digital photographs, music, and other digital or electronic files. (b) At the time a student is assigned a locker or other storage space, he or she may be informed that school authorities are authorized by this policy and empowered to conduct random periodic inspections of school lockers and contents and that each student shall be responsible for the contents and held accountable for all content therefore, as students are not given exclusive privileges to use the property as such privilege is discretionary with the principal and may be revoked at any time with or without cause. The district will conduct four (4) hours of in-service training in dyslexia and related disorder awareness education every three (3) years for all licensed educators and paraprofessionals responsible for the instruction. If no such announcement is made, it should be concluded that all schools will operate as scheduled. Legal Reference: MS Code 37-13-171, 37-13-173, 37-13-175. Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. Phone:601.992.0924 Test results will be kept in files separate from the students other educational records, shall be disclosed only to those school personnel who have a need to know, and will not be turned over to any law enforcement authorities. Applications are available at the Child Nutrition office or the local school. If the request to amend is denied, the parent/guardian or eligible student shall be notified of the decision and the right to a formal hearing. employee or volunteer has been subject to bullying or harassing behavior shall immediately report such conduct and the name of the alleged offender to a teacher, principal, counselor or other school official. Dual enrollment/dual credit is a program that allows high school students to earn academic and career and technical college credit toward a postsecondary diploma at their local high school while also receiving high school credit. ), with the utilization of pre-numbered tickets required if it is anticipated that the event will generate gross receipts in excess of $100. STUDENT CONTRACT: During the entrance conference at the Alternative Education Center, the Alternative Education Center principal and counselor shall develop a contract WITH the student that specifies the requirements for re-entry into the local school. The school district will be governed by the following statutory definition of parental involvement, and expects that its Title I schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition: 8. Safety, health, sanitation, individual dignity, respect for the educational process, and a non-disruptive learning environment provide the basis for the dress code. Violations of this policy may have disciplinary consequences, including: Suspension of network, technology, or computer privileges; Detention or suspension from school and school-related activities; Employment disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment; Employees, students, and parents/guardians shall be required to sign the Districts Acceptable Use Policy as part of the districts Technology Handbook before Internet or network access shall be allowed. Student-led clubs: No student may attend or become a member of a student-led club without signed written parental permission forms for each student participant. The school guidance counselors responsibilities include the design, organization, implementation, and coordination of the program. All corporal punishment shall be administered by certified staff in a private setting within the school and not in view of any other students. Graduating seniors are provided this early release option to allow enrollment in only those courses needed for graduation, provided they meet the MDE requirements for early release. b. 6. No spaghetti strap, midriff, tank tops, or halter tops are allowed. I go to a performing arts school where there is no dress code, so students get to express their style through fashion. Prior to implementation of Rankin County School Districts drug and alcohol policy, reasonable notice of the policy will be made to all students, school personnel and parents/guardians of students. This educational plan should be updated annually in cooperation with parents or guardians and counselor. Each high school will provide and collect forms for documenting service and will inform students of the specific guidelines. The training shall be delivered in accordance with the State Department of Education. The person to whom an RCSD network account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use. Promptness is a virtue that becomes a habit. 2. using, possessing, transmitting, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage. All principals will remain on their respective campuses until released by the superintendent. They should, however, receive treatment for the condition either topically with an over the counter medication or orally with a prescription medication. There is no fee for this service when offered during the regular school day. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, the principal or designee shall consider the age of the child, the severity of the offense, previous reports of misconduct by the student, and any other information considered relevant to the current situation. 9. Hence, smoking or the use of tobacco in any form by students is not permitted on school property or at any school sponsored activity. Users should not plagiarize (or use as their own, without citing the original creator) content, including words or images, from the Internet. Proper attire is the first step in creating a classroom environment that provides a laser focus on instruction. Reglamento de la Escuela Intermedia Northwest Sobre Celulares/Aparatos Electrnicos. The instruction program may include a discussion on condoms or contraceptives, but only if that discussion includes a factual presentation of the risks and failure rates of those contraceptives. NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. Students with any missing work noted prior to the end of any grading period will be ineligible for exemption from taking exams. MY PAYMENTS PLUS SYSTEM PERMITS PARENTS TO: Set up email alerts when a students balance goes below a specified amount, Set up automatic payments when a students account reaches a specified low balance in their account. The grade point average will be calculated at the end of semester 2 to determine the top two students. A student failed either of the preceding two grades and has been suspended or expelled for more than twenty (20) days in the current school year; OR. Each school will have a designated technology support person. An independent. The purpose of such inspections is not to collect evidence of wrong doing on the part of a single student without reasonable suspicion, but rather to allow school authorities responsible for the educational mission of the school, the opportunity to confirm that lockers are being used in a positive, safe, legal manner consistent with good school decorum and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of all students. Northwest Middle School We are a proud member of Indianapolis Public Schools community of schools serving grades 7 & 8. ), or gloves should be worn during the school day. Obtain assignments before scheduled absences and. THE PROCEDURE FOR LOCKER/SCHOOL PROPERTY SEARCHES IS AS FOLLOWS: (a) Accordingly, students and parents/guardians are hereby notified that the principal or designee shall maintain a list of all locker assignments and retain either a master key or combinations to all lockers before issuing a copy key or lock combination to the student. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here:https://www.slcschools.org/contact-us, The Salt Lake City School District knows that many of our students and families are struggling with intensely personal questions, concerns, and fears about the national landscape regarding immigration. Positive when referring to a drug test administered under this policy means a toxicological test result that is considered to demonstrate the presence of an illegal or a performance-enhancing drug, or the metabolites thereof, using the standards customarily established by the testing laboratory administering the drug test. 3. 6. 1 0 obj The Rankin County Board of Education recognizes the use of corporal punishment by teachers and administrators as a means to correct misconduct of students, to preserve an effective educational environment which is free from disruption, and to further the educational mission of the Board. Excused absences by parent note are not to exceed 10 days per year. The shoulders and back must be covered. Possession of illegal drugs, prescription drugs for which student does not have a prescription, alcohol containers or drug paraphernalia. Phone:601.845.8164 Participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities at the school should be considered by all concerned as a privilege rather than a right. Access will be restricted as required to comply with the Childrens Internet Protection Act. A student who has been suspended for more than ten (10) days or expelled has the right to a formal due process hearing. The District official or superintendents designee will arrange such meetings as may be necessary with all concerned parties within five (5) working days after initial receipt of the complaint by the District. To ensure that students adhere to a training program or health regimen that prohibits illegal and performance-enhancing drugs, alcohol or steroids. Each schools association/organization must have formalized by-laws that receive principal and membership approval. Parents or legal guardians of all newly enrolling students must produce proof of residency via these documents, with one document required from group one and one document required from group two. Follow on Social Media. If this school board determines that it is not economically feasible or practicable to operate any school within the district for the full one hundred eighty (180) days required for a scholastic year as contemplated due to an enemy attack, a manmade, technological or natural disaster, or extreme weather emergency in which the Governor has declared a disaster or state of emergency or the President of the United States has declared an emergency or major disaster to exist in this state, the school board may notify the State Department of Education of the disaster or weather emergency and submit a plan for altering the school term. In the event that number grades are not sent from a prior school and verification is present that efforts have been made to secure the number grades and these efforts have been unsuccessful, then transfer students grades will be averaged using the midpoint grade (i.e., A=95, B=85, C=75, D=65, F=55). Access shall be granted within a reasonable time but in no case more than forty-five days after receipt of the request.
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